Who's Who 1999
'Hommage à Susan Dorothea White', International Biographical Art Dictionary 1999, Lausanne: Who's Who in International Art, 1999, pp. 131–2 (Type: reference, translated) » Download PDFTRANSLATION: Tribute to Susan Dorothea WHITE
Susan Dorothea White decided to devote herself to her art in 1959, her work having been exhibited in public for the first time in 1957. Ideas are flowing continually in her imagination – she chooses the best ones and notes them down in a sketchbook, then uses these notes to create the final artwork. She develops several artworks simultaneously. The three terms that Susan Dorothea White uses to characterise her work are satire, reverie, and Golden Mean. Her favourite colour is the red soil of the Australian desert; she feels affinity with Janet Frame’s novel An Angel at My Table and Akira Kurosawa’s film Do-des-ka-dan. The most recent significant exhibition that influenced her was the Camille Claudel Retrospective Skulpturen – Gemälde – Zeichnungen (Hamburg, 1990). For young people who are also inspired by the artistic adventure, Susan Dorothea's main advice is to develop the discipline to create something every day, whatever the circumstances, not to seek celebrity and wealth, and to allow life to inspire the work.
The most significant of her works to see is The First Supper, 1988, acrylic on panel, 130 x 250 cm, on exhibition at the Volkshochschule Munich, Anton-Fingerle-Bildungszentrum, Schlierseestr. 47 (D).