Next-Door Neighbours

© Susan Dorothea White

Next-Door Neighbours, 2000
carved salvaged Huon pine, cedar door, hardwood door, sleeves, walking stick, bag, doormat, bullet casings
202 x 103 x 98 cm

The sculpture assemblage is inspired by the saying 'next-door neighbours'. The two heavy doors are freestanding, supported upright solely by the diagonal arms with clasping hands. Potential drama is created by the realization that if the neighbours let go their hands then both doors would collapse.

The sculpture represents contrast between wealth and poverty, male and female, war and peace. The arms and hands are life-size and took a year for me to carve by hand from a single length of salvaged Huon pine (a rare Australian species). The hands are coloured with paint washes and polished with wax. The vintage Australian cedar door represents plenty and peace and the old panelled door (from the WC in my studio) represents less fortunate countries suffering conflict - the bullet casings on the floor are from actual bullets used to shoot holes through this door. I modified the sleeves from clothing and included a bag, walking stick, and doormat.

- Susan Dorothea White

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