Broken Hill Art Safari Exhibition 1962

(conducted by Airlines of South Australia in association with Royal SA Society of Arts, Contemporary Art Society of South Australia), John Martin's Art Gallery, Adelaide, Australia

Exhibited: one oil painting
The exhibition was opened by Josephine Heysen, granddaughter of Hans Heysen, at the department store of John Martin & Co.  in Adelaide on 10 July 1962. 
Exhibiting artists included: Mervyn Smith, Barbara Harvey, Adam Kriegel, Malcolm Gray, Susan White, Alan Cumpston, Pro Hart, Sam Byrne, May Harding, John Gregory, David Dridan, Jacqueline Hick. Several paintings were on loan from the Willyama Art Society of Broken Hill. 

Exhibition dates: 10–17 July 1962
TRAVELLED TO: Broken Hill; Whyalla; Craven's in Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln (3–9 August 1962), from July to 15 August 1962
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Exhibited work:

Wide Waterway, Outback Creek 1961
oil on composition board
55 x 90 cm
cat. 24 NFS

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