InterGrafik 84 - International Triennale engagierter Grafik
Ausstellungszentrum am Fernsehturm, Berlin, DDR
Exhibition dates: 5 June – 18 July 1984
Exhibited works:
Chess - White to Play: Helicopter X Pawn, Chief X Helicopter...
lithograph (5 colours)
57 x 49 cm (image), 76 x 56.5 cm (sheet)
(b&w illus.) as 'Chess' (ed. 8/20)
Thelma of Wilcannia
(lithograph) 1983
44.5 x 34 cm (image), 56.5 x 38 cm (sheet)
as 'Die Willy-Willy Frau' (AP I/II)
The Ghost of Kabbarli, Daisy Bates
lithograph (3 colours)
54 x 75 cm (image), 60 x 80 cm (sheet)
(ed. 1/6 second state, was 1/25)