"Susan White is constantly sketching from everyday life and it is from the many sketchbooks that she first extracts the material for her compositions." (A. Wernig, Munich, 1980)

The artist works in a variety of drawing media: pen and ink, ballpoint, brush, crayon, chalk, pastel, conté, and charcoal. Recently she has developed mixed media techniques in silverpoint and goldpoint.

"Capturing the essence in line alone is for me the purest form of expression."

Theme: People


DRAWINGS Theme: People
188 Works Page 1 2 3
188 Works
Page 1 2 3

People: The human narrative and genre scenes inspired by domestic situations, people at work, musicians, commuters, social issues, blindness, illness, poverty, old age. Portraits include family members, self-portraits, children, babies, and people in their environment. In major paintings the subject is repeated from varied viewpoints in a fugal style composition.

DRAWINGS : People 188 Works to view Page 1 2 3
DRAWINGS : People 188 Works to view Page 1 2 3

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