Welcome to Country: 'The Aboriginal Flag: Symbolism, History and Meaning.' 19 August 2019.

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Extract (chronology): In 1985, the Aboriginal flag was front and centre of the Uluru handback ceremony and celebrationswhich once again received national and international attention. In 1988, thousands of marchers took to the streets of Sydney to crash Australia’s bicentennial party on January 26. This protest was one of the largest seen in Australia since the Vietnam war and once again the Aboriginal flag was a prominently on display. On the same day on the coast of Dover, England, Burnum Burnum, one of the founders of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy claimed possession of England for all Aboriginal people by striking the Aboriginal flag into the ground on the coast of Dover. Also in 1988, a controversial painting of ‘The first supper’ by Susan Dorothea White caused a stir in Australia. Her painting was based on Leonardo da Vinci’s painting and featured an Aboriginal woman wearing an Aboriginal flag t-shirt in the place of Jesus.