Drawings : watercolour, pen or pencil

"Susan White is constantly sketching from everyday life and it is from the many sketchbooks that she first extracts the material for her compositions." (A. Wernig, Munich, 1980)

The artist works in a variety of drawing media: pen and ink, ballpoint, brush, crayon, chalk, pastel, conté, and charcoal. Recently she has developed mixed media techniques in silverpoint and goldpoint.

"Capturing the essence in line alone is for me the purest form of expression."


Medium: watercolour, pen or pencil
Drawings Medium: watercolour, pen or pencil
20 Works to view
20 Works to view

  • Blue-gum, peeling bark 1997
    drafting pen, brown ink and spittle wash
    21 x 14.8 cm
  • Blue-gum bark 1995
    drafting pen, black ink
    29.4 x 24.2 cm
  • June (Annandale Street, from memory) 1994
    drafting pen, black ink and watercolour
    14.8 x 20.4 cm
  • Dug's house (264 Annandale St) 1994
    drafting pen, brown ink and spittle wash
    14.8 x 20.4 cm
  • Studio moth 1994
    drafting pen, black ink and watercolour
    8.9 x 11.2 cm
  • River Vecht, Weesp 1991
    drafting pen, black ink and watercolour
    24 x 31.4 cm
  • Weesp (Winter, bird, trees, wall) 1991
    drafting pen, black ink and watercolour
    23.3 x 18.2 cm
  • Woman, train to Nice 1990
    drafting pen, black ink and watercolour
    23.3 x 18.2 cm
  • Cement mixer 1988
    drafting pen and watercolour wash
    13.2 x 21.6 cm
  • View from kitchen window, Brancato's wall being built 1988
    drafting pen, black ink and watercolour
    38 x 51 cm
  • Mad Man in Drag on Tram in Amsterdam 1988
    (study for The Man in Drag ..., painting)
    drafting pen, black ink and watercolour
    14.2 x 18 cm
  • Scarf Patterns (colour notes) 1988
    (study for The Man in Drag ..., painting)
    pencil and watercolour
    14.2 x 18 cm
  • Blue Gum (branches) 1985
    drafting pen, brown ink and spittle wash
    37.2 x 49.2 cm
  • Blue Gum (trunk, juvenile leaves) 1985
    drafting pen, brown ink and spittle wash
    49.2 x 37.2 cm
  • Sketch for young gum and old Ford 1983
    pencil and watercolour
    24.6 x 36.3 cm
  • Flood St Tile Wholesalers (workman in check shirt) 1983
    pencil and watercolour
    24.6 x 36.3 cm
  • Gum branch 1977
    watercolour and drafting pen
    54 x 37 cm
  • Council Flats 1977
    watercolour and drafting pen
    17.9 x 23.9 cm
  • Bus ride 1976
    pencil and watercolour
    24 x 26 cm
  • Armchair 1975
    pencil and watercolour
    24 x 26 cm

Drawings : watercolour, pen or pencil 20 Works to view
Drawings : watercolour, pen or pencil 20 Works to view

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