carving Chillagoe limestone


The contemporary artist Susan White produces sculptures in bronze, stone, wood, and mixed media assemblage. Her skills in carving, combined with a profound knowledge of the human figure, give her sculpture a depth of expression.

Susan White's subject matter is drawn from many sources, including human rights, the status of women, literature, music, and natural forms. She transforms idioms into three dimensions. Her mixed media sculptures are assemblages of everyday objects and fabrics centered around hands carved in wood. Humor and imagination make her figurative sculptures distinctive.

"Referring to the balance between gender and races, the bold sculpture It Cuts Both Ways suggests that 'any potential movement of either pair of hands would activate both pairs equally'. To realize the piece, she replaced the handles of garden shears with hands carved from salvaged huon pine (which can take up to 3,000 years to grow!) and modified found clothing for the sleeves..."

Sarah Tanguy, Curator, Hechinger Collection, Washington DC (2002)


50 Works
50 Works

SCULPTURES : 50 Works to view
SCULPTURES : 50 Works to view

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